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November 15th, 2018 — Eglish, General

When the police evacuate some space because it is looking for an explosive, it stops or blocks the function of this place.
We can use it as a tactic in resistance. Like sabotage. Like support for the strike. Like blocking the circulation of capital. Like an escalation of an attack against oppressors.
The police are going to the place of the reported explosion a few minutes after they read the e-mail message. Evacuation takes tens of minutes or even several hours.
This manual works. It is used in practice for several years. No one was arrested or convicted. It is safe and effective.
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November 29th, 2017 — Eglish, General

We see that the repressive campaign on the anarchist movement does not cease. Examples are enough: The operation Fénix case in the Czech Republic, the case of the Warsaw Three, charges of bank robbery in Aachen, courts with rebels against the G20 summit in Hamburg and other cases.
Cops, judges, prosecutors, mass-media. They are haunted, imprisoned, robbed, manipulated. This is a challenge to all Revolutionary cells and other groups and individuals. Sabotage the activities of those bastards. Turn them into terrain, technology and structures. Organize resistance. Support the fugitives and their loved ones.
What destroys us will stop by fighting.
The goal is clear = Freedom, justice, anarcho-communism.
May 23rd, 2016 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

The fight of The network of the revolutionary cells (SRB) against Prague restaurant Rizkarna lasted over a year. The owner of the restaurant Vladimir Krulec didn’t pay wages to his employees. He finally admitted defeat. After pressure of SRB he payed owed wages to some of the employees who worked there.
SRB organized different sabotages of the restaurant since March 2015. Four times restaurants’ cars were set on fire. Few times the restaurant was disrupted with the Butiric acid. There was also dozens of forced evacuations witch caused enclosure for the public. The sabotages were an extensive loss for the business. The threat of more damages finally made Krulec to admit his defeat. He did what SRB wanted him to: to pay those owed wages.
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February 28th, 2016 — Eglish, General

A fire of two police cars took place on 14th February 2016 right by the police office at Nad Úpademstreet. The fire itself was initiated by time flammable device. The network of revolutionary cells (SRB) – Solidarity subversion cell, is responsible for this sabotage. The cars were set on fire in solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák. He is being held in Prague – Pankrác prison, where he is being tortured. Continue reading →
January 20th, 2016 — Eglish, Komuniké

Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) has sabotaged cars of the Řízkárna restaurant in Prague four times this year. Space for reaction of the thief Vladimír Krulec was given. He could have reacted in several different ways. For example, he could have made some calculations and realized that paying his people for work would cost him less than covering sabotage losses. He failed at these simple calculations though. Continue reading →
July 13th, 2015 — Eglish, Výzvy

Call for an international mobilization – to see the first call from last year see here
July 8th, 2015 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

In the early hours of Saturday, July 4, 2015 we torched a police car outside the Praha-Bubny police station. This was in response to the police and state repression against anarchists. Since April 28, 2015 when the police launched ‘Operation Fenix‘, four anarchists have been arrested and held in custody. Wild Heart Cell sends a message with this sabotage: We will not tolerate such violence by the state and we will fight against it! Continue reading →
July 6th, 2015 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

On Wednesday, July 1st, 2015, a police car was set on fire in Prague. It occurred on the outskirts of the park near the Srašnická metro station. As part of the ongoing struggle an SRB cell attacked the police car to send a fiery greeting to Alešem Kočím. For his anarchist beliefs in class warfare, Alešem fell into the hands of the state. On the 28th April, 2015 he was detained by the police during ‘Operation Fenix’ and was subsequently charged with possession of illegal weapons. He now sits in custody as a prisoner of the state. Continue reading →
June 26th, 2015 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

Network of Revolutionary Cells / SRB have conducted another arson attack at a Řízkárna restaurant in Prague. At dawn on Friday, June 26, another car was torched at Řízkárny. Responsibility for the sabotage is claimed by N95 Cell. V. Krulec acquired cars and other equipment for his restaurant via the unpaid work of his employees. The sabotage was carried out in order to decommission the car so that he could not use it for the further exploitation and robbery of workers.
Sabotage is both a means of defense and of attack. It is one of many methods that can be accessed by angry proletarians in the fight against the capitalist filth.
N95 Cell – Network of Revolutionary Cells / SRB
May 15th, 2015 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

On Friday 15th May a cop car parked outside the police station on Hostivařska Road in Prague was set on fire. This is the result of premeditated sabotage carried out by the M.A.P. cell. We were following the actions of the Network of Revolutionary Cells, but hesitated before turning our anger into direct action of attack. For a long time we were tormented by fear and indecision. Continue reading →
March 15th, 2015 — Eglish, General, Komuniké, Video

On Sunday, March 15, 2015 in the morning an arson attack against two cars that provide food delivery from Prague restaurants Řízkárna was made. This fiery sabotage is our contribution to the fight against the exploitation of workers and against the dictatorship of capital. Owner Řízkárny Vladimir Krulec is a known capitalist bastard. Hundreds of people paid with their hard work just so that he could appropriate all its fruits. Gross exploitation, bullying, intimidation – these are his methods. Anger turned into offensive action is our answer.
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August 30th, 2014 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

In solidarity with anarchist prisoners all over the world, in the morning of Saturday 30th August 2014, we made an arson attack on a police car, which stood in the street in front of the station Truhlářova in Ústí nad Labem. The event has become a fragment of a mosaic of solidarity activities during the International Week of Anarchist Prisoners. It was announced for 23 to 30 August 2014.
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May 8th, 2014 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

We were inspired by several communiques that recently disrupted the reformist stereotypical anarchist movement. We add the following to the Network Revolutionary Cells. Our first act was an attack on CCTV. We caused material damage to structures and businesses that benefit from watching people to gain profit. Furthermore, we believe that CCTV is used as an alibi against direct action. Cameras are not omnipotent.
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