June 26th, 2015 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

Network of Revolutionary Cells / SRB have conducted another arson attack at a Řízkárna restaurant in Prague. At dawn on Friday, June 26, another car was torched at Řízkárny. Responsibility for the sabotage is claimed by N95 Cell. V. Krulec acquired cars and other equipment for his restaurant via the unpaid work of his employees. The sabotage was carried out in order to decommission the car so that he could not use it for the further exploitation and robbery of workers.
Sabotage is both a means of defense and of attack. It is one of many methods that can be accessed by angry proletarians in the fight against the capitalist filth.
N95 Cell – Network of Revolutionary Cells / SRB
May 15th, 2015 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

On Friday 15th May a cop car parked outside the police station on Hostivařska Road in Prague was set on fire. This is the result of premeditated sabotage carried out by the M.A.P. cell. We were following the actions of the Network of Revolutionary Cells, but hesitated before turning our anger into direct action of attack. For a long time we were tormented by fear and indecision. Continue reading →
March 17th, 2015 — Česky, General, Video
March 15th, 2015 — Eglish, General, Komuniké, Video

On Sunday, March 15, 2015 in the morning an arson attack against two cars that provide food delivery from Prague restaurants Řízkárna was made. This fiery sabotage is our contribution to the fight against the exploitation of workers and against the dictatorship of capital. Owner Řízkárny Vladimir Krulec is a known capitalist bastard. Hundreds of people paid with their hard work just so that he could appropriate all its fruits. Gross exploitation, bullying, intimidation – these are his methods. Anger turned into offensive action is our answer.
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August 30th, 2014 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

In solidarity with anarchist prisoners all over the world, in the morning of Saturday 30th August 2014, we made an arson attack on a police car, which stood in the street in front of the station Truhlářova in Ústí nad Labem. The event has become a fragment of a mosaic of solidarity activities during the International Week of Anarchist Prisoners. It was announced for 23 to 30 August 2014.
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May 8th, 2014 — Eglish, General, Komuniké

We were inspired by several communiques that recently disrupted the reformist stereotypical anarchist movement. We add the following to the Network Revolutionary Cells. Our first act was an attack on CCTV. We caused material damage to structures and businesses that benefit from watching people to gain profit. Furthermore, we believe that CCTV is used as an alibi against direct action. Cameras are not omnipotent.
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