Communique: Police cars set on fire with solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák


A fire of two police cars took place on 14th February 2016 right by the police office at Nad Úpademstreet. The fire itself was initiated by time flammable device. The network of revolutionary cells (SRB) Solidarity subversion cell, is responsible for this sabotage. The cars were set on fire in solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák. He is being held in Prague – Pankrác prison, where he is being tortured. Continue reading →

Communique: Polizeiauto als Antwort auf die Operation Phönix abgefackelt


In den Morgenstunden des 4. Juli 2015 haben wir ein Polizeiauto vor der Praha-Bubny-Polizeiwache abgefackelt. Dies war eine Antwort auf die Repression gegen Anarchisten durch Polizei und Staat. Seit dem 28. April 2015, als die Polizei die ‘Operation Phönix’ begann, wurden vier Anarchisten festgenommen. Die ‘Wild Heart Cell‘ schickt eine Nachricht mit dieser Sabotage: Wir werden solche Gewalt durch den Staat nicht tolerienen und gegen sie kämpfen! Continue reading →

Communique: Polizeiauto in Solidarität mit Aleš Kočí angezündet

Podpálené policejní auto u služebny v Praze-Strašnicích (1. èervence 2015).

Am Mittwoch, dem 1. Juli 2015 wurde ein Polizeiauto im Prag angezündet. Es passierte am Rand des Parks nähe der Srašnická-Metrostation. Als Teil des andauernden Kampfes griff eine Zelle des SRB das Polizeiauto an um feurige Grüße an Aleš Kočí zu senden. Für seinen anarchistischen Glauben an den Klassenkampf fiel Aleš in die Hände des Staates. Am 28. April 2015 wurde er während der ‘Operation Fenix’ inhaftiert und ihm der Besitz illegaler Waffen vorgeworfen. Zur Zeit sitzt er als Gefangener des Staates in Haft. Continue reading →

Communique: Police car torched in solidarity with Aleš Kočí

Podpálené policejní auto u služebny v Praze-Strašnicích (1. èervence 2015).

On Wednesday, July 1st, 2015, a police car was set on fire in Prague. It occurred on the outskirts of the park near the Srašnická metro station. As part of the ongoing struggle an SRB cell attacked the police car to send a fiery greeting to Alešem Kočím. For his anarchist beliefs in class warfare, Alešem fell into the hands of the state. On the 28th April, 2015 he was detained by the police during ‘Operation Fenix’ and was subsequently charged with possession of illegal weapons. He now sits in custody as a prisoner of the state. Continue reading →

Zapaljeno policijsko vozilo u znak solidarnosti s Alešom Kočijem

Podpálené policejní auto u služebny v Praze-Strašnicích (1. èervence 2015).

U srijedu 1. jula 2015. u Pragu je zapaljeno policijsko vozilo, pokraj parka blizu stanice podzmene Strašnicka. Kao dio svoje borbe ćelija SRB-a napala je jedno vozilo i poslala vatreni pozdrav Aleši Kočiji. Anarhist uvjeren u klasnu borbu pao je u ruke neprijatelja. Zatvoren je 28.04.2015. tokom policijske “Operacije Feniks” te zatim optužen za ilegalno posjedovanje oružja. Postao je zatočenik države i sada sjedi u pritvoru. Continue reading →

Most: Rete di cellule rivoluzionarie rivendica l’attaco alle macchine di polizia


La Rete di Cellule Rivoluzionarie ha attaccato di nuovo, là dove il nemico non se lo aspettava. Nella mattina di 28 giugno 2015 sono state incendiate due macchine della polizia, davanti alla stazione di polizia nella via V. Řezáče. L’attacco è stato eseguito dalla cellula LEX, due mesi dopo l’operazione “Fenice” lanciata dalla polizia, durante la quale sono state perquisite le case degli anarchici e il centro sociale “Ateneo”, molti compagni sono stati portati in custodia cautelare, sono state confiscate cose personali e server, anarchici, i loro familiari e amici hanno subito delle molestie ecc. I danni inflitti dalla polizia sono enormi. Il suo comportamento è imperdonabile. Continue reading →

Izjava SRB o napadu na policijska vozila u Mostu


Mreža Revolucionarnih Ćelija ponovno napada, tamo gdje neprijatelj ne očekuje. 28. juna 2015. u Mostu su zapaljena dva policijska vozila ispred policijske stanice u ulici V. Řezáče. Napad je izvela ćelija LEX, dva mjeseca nakon što je policija pokrenula “Operaciju Feniks”: pretresi društvenog centra Ateneo, pretresi domova, anarhisti zadržani u pritvoru, zaplijenjene osobne stvari i serveri, šikaniranje anarhista, članova njihovih obitelji, prijatelja itd. Štete koje je policija nanijela su ogromne. Njeno ponašanje je neoprostivo. Continue reading →

Communiqué: Network Revolutionary Cells claim arson of police car


On Friday 15th May a cop car parked outside the police station on Hostivařska Road in Prague was set on fire. This is the result of premeditated sabotage carried out by the M.A.P. cell. We were following the actions of the Network of Revolutionary Cells, but hesitated before turning our anger into direct action of attack. For a long time we were tormented by fear and indecision. Continue reading →